Health-Related Quality Of Life among Clinical Instructors

Elizabeth M. Malonzo, Marcia S. Fuentes, Socorro C. Taghap


The purpose of this study was to quantitatively explore clinical instructors’ (CIs) perceptions of their health conditions and lifestyles using a brief measure of quality of life recently developed by the World Health Organization, the WHOQOL-BREF Australian version (May 2000), and to significantly predict Quality of Life (QOL) in terms of physical health, reproductive health, psychological, level of independence, social relations and environment and the socio-demographic profile of the CIs. The questionnaire (WHOQOL)-BRIEF), has been adapted but only questions related to the indicators of the study have been selected. Stepwise regression models were developed to examine the relationships between the socio-economic variables and the five domains of health-related QOL. Sixty four Clinical Instructors completed the study. Three of the five domains of the WHOQOL-BRIEF (Physical, Psychological and Environment domains) demonstrated a significant difference with age, civil status and salary. Quality of life scores were strongly correlated with salary received by the respondents as it significantly predict the four QOL domains; psychological, level of independence, social relations and environment The WHOQOL-BRIEF was successfully administered to the Clinical Instructors although one of its domains (physical) was not a determinant of salary. Quality of life scores were strongly correlated with salaries received by respondents, raising the issue of economic aspect for health related quality of life. The results have showed that the perceived relevance and relative importance of the determinants of QOL can greatly affect a healthy lifestyle and a holistic service to students under their care.


Clinical Instructors, health related QOL, determinants

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