1. DOH (Department of Health)
Grant: 75% on Total Assessment
2. EBSU (Educational Benefit Scholarship Unit)
Full Scholarship
Half Scholarship
3. Congressional Scholarship
Half Scholarship
1. Academic Discount
a. Summa Cum Laude
Retention: No grade below 84 with WPA of 86 and above
Grant: 100% discount on the Total Assessment
b. Magna Cum Laude
Retention: No grade below 84 with WPA of 86 and above
Grant: 100% discount on the Total Assessment
c. Top 10 Board Placer
Retention: No grade below 84 with WPA of 86 and above
Grant: 100% discount on the Total Assessment
d. Cum Laude
Retention: Retention: No grade below 80 with WPA of 83 and above
Grant: 50% discount on the Total Assessment
2. UCCP Member Discount
Qualification: WPA of 80% & Certification from the Local Church Pastor Noted by Conference Minister
Grant: 10% discount on Tuition Fee (Medicine)