1. A bonafide Brokenshire College student may request a scanned copy of the book available at the Learning Resource and Multimedia Center.
2. Open the www.brokenshire.edu.ph then go directly to Services. Click Learning Resource and Multimedia Center - Web OPAC and search or browse the available reading resources.
3. For the Theses/ Research Projects kindly check the posted lists of Theses/ Researches at BC LRMC FB Page (College & SHS) and Brokenshire College - Basic Education Libraries FB Page (JHS).
4. In compliance with the Copyright Law, Intellectual Property Rights, and Fair Use. The library can only scan a maximum of 10 pages (per request) of the material for this service.
5. Delivery time required 2-3 working days, depending on the availability of the reading resources and it will be delivered electronically via email.
6. Fill up the Google form or send the document delivery request through FB messenger (BC LRMC FB Page -College& SHS) / (Medicine Library- Brokenshire College Medical Library ( Broken shire College - Basic Education Libraries FB Page - CDC & JHS).